
251 Sweetwater Run
 Niceville, FL 32578
(850) 678-4284

The 2024 Association Dues are again $300 per Quarter. 
Click here for more information.

Saturday, April 27 2024
7:30am - 1:00pm`
Spring Community Yard Sale




Swift Creek Environment

Jason’s Trail

Swift Creek's Outstanding Nature Trail

Perhaps the best way to thoroughly enjoy the beauty of the trees which inhabit Swift Creek is to spend some time on Jason's Trail. This wonderful, well-marked route (1.5 miles) meanders through some of the most beautiful woodlands to be found in Okaloosa County.

A personal project of Walt Ruckel, Swift Creek's developer, Jason's Trail is designed to give Swift Creek residents a special place to be outdoors, to be close to nature, and to experience the richness and wonder provided by this lovely piece of land they now call home.

The property on which Swift Creek sits has been in Walt' s family since the early 1900's and has enjoyed years of stewardship beginning with his grandfather James Plew. That stewardship and genuine love of the land continues with Walt and is being passed on to his children and grandchildren.

Jason's Trait named in honor of Walt's grandson who perished in a tragic mountain climbing accident in the French Alps, is the Ruckel's way of sharing the beauty and heritage of this parcel of woodlands that has been such a part of their lives for so many years.

The trail is an easy walk. A natural vegetation path, complemented by several footbridges and boardwalks, leads the explorer up and down, around and through the woods of Swift Creek. A few exercise stations and rest stops add to the Jason Trail experience.”


New boardwalk installed on a portion of Jason's Trail - January 2017.  Click here to view short ppt.

Map of Jason’s Trail in .pdf format by Mo Young. Click to view new Map - 11/28/2021

Niceville - City Manager's Sunshine (2017)

Know Where to Put Your Refuse

“Trash Talk“



In the Fall, with cooler nights, do not over water or fertilize your lawn.  With SC recycled water, this leads to problems with lawn fungus and brown patch. 
     Read from Bay Beacon, ‘Demand soars for reclaimed effluent

St. Augustine Grass in Swift Creek

Free gray water is available in Swift Creek and we tend to over water our lawns with automatic sprinkler systems.

St. Augustine lawns require 1 to 2 inches water per week during the growing season.  Water your lawn in the early morning just before daylight.  This avoids any rapid evaporation of water on the leaves; yet allows the grass to quickly dry after sunrise.   Do not water your lawn for short intervals each day.  This practice will encourage shallow root growth.  Water your lawn for longer periods but less often.

A problem with St. Augustine grass in Swift Creek is fungus.  Lawn fungus is noticeable after extended periods of rainy, overcast weather.  It may also develop in late September as the nights cool. 

Two fungus problems are evident in most St. Augustine lawns during the summer months.  The first fungus is gray leaf spot.  Although unsightly, gray leaf spot is not life threatening to the lawn.  Brown patch however could become a major disease during mid to late summer.  Brown patch looks as if someone poured hot oil on the lawn, leaving lightly colored rings.  Within a few days, these areas will die and the infected area will continue increase in size.

Both fungus problems can be treated with a granular fungicide.  Multiple treatments of fungicide may be necessary!

Contact web master with questions.


Revised 4/21/2024